SAVE THE DATE! Closing the Food Gap in South Mountain, will both feature keynote speaker Mark Winne, who addresses these issues in his books, "Closing the Food Gap" and "Food Rebels, Guerrilla Gardeners, and Smart Cookin' Mamas". Prior to the evening keynote address symposium participants will have exclusive access to a networking reception featuring locally grown & produced refreshment and the unique opportunity to meet individuals, organizations, and businesses that are committed to working together to improve our regional food system.
As part of a day-long professional symposium, hosted at Wilson College in Chambersburg, PA on Thursday, November 10, 2011, the event will provide participants the opportunity to learn more about food security issues and programs addressing access, availability and usage.
The day program Closing the Food Gap; Connecting Community & Local Foodprogram will feature Mark Winne and also include action planning sessions focused on the needs of the region. These sessions will identify gaps, opportunities, programs, and develop ideas. The ultimate goal of the planning sessions is to aid collaboration in order to better serve the residents of South Central PA.
Keynote speaker, Mark Winne, will provide guidance as we move through the afternoon in both learning and action planning sessions. The program will also highlight many projects connected to the Adams County Food Policy Council and the broader South Mountain Landscape.
This event is sponsored by Healthy Adams County, Wilson College, and the Capital Resource Conservation & Development Council with the generous support of the South Mountain Partnership.
For questions about participating or providing event sponsorship, please contact Kathy Gaskin (kgaskin@wellspan.org; 717-337-4137) or Cheryl Burns (cburns@capitalrcd.org; 717-241-4361).